Potential Partners for Access to Water


Charity: Water


World Vision

Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

The Water Project

Pure Water for the World

African Well Fund

World Vision

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Potential Partners for Access to Water

There are several reputable organizations and initiatives that specialize in providing access to fresh water, wells, and solar-powered filtration systems for rural and underserved communities around the world. Here are a few options you could consider partnering with:

  • Water.org: Water.org is a non-profit organization that focuses on water access and sanitation. They work to provide safe water and sanitation to communities in need through innovative solutions and partnerships.
  • Charity: Water: Charity: Water is dedicated to bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. They work with local partners to implement water projects, including drilling wells and installing filtration systems.
  • WaterAid: WaterAid is an international organization that focuses on providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene education to some of the world’s poorest communities. They have experience implementing water projects in various regions.
  • World Vision: World Vision is a humanitarian organization that works to tackle poverty and injustice. They have initiatives related to water, sanitation, and hygiene, including drilling wells and promoting sustainable water sources.
  • Engineers Without Borders (EWB): EWB is an organization that brings together engineers and other professionals to work on projects that improve the quality of life in underserved communities, including water and sanitation projects.
  • The Water Project: The Water Project focuses on providing access to clean and safe water in sub-Saharan Africa. They collaborate with local partners to implement water solutions, including drilling wells and providing filtration systems.
  • Pure Water for the World: This organization focuses on improving the health and livelihood of children and families in rural Central America and the Caribbean by providing sustainable clean water solutions.
  • African Well Fund: This organization works to provide access to clean water and sanitation in Africa. They partner with organizations on the ground to implement water projects.


When considering partnerships, it’s important to research and evaluate organizations to ensure their mission aligns with yours and that they have a track record of effective and sustainable projects. Collaboration with these organizations can help your initiative to provide access to fresh water to underserved communities more effectively.